Kinetics & Spectroscopy
Product Range
A wide range of kinetics and steady state spectrometers.​
As a leader in this field, BioLogic has over 30 years of experience of developing equipment designed to give researchers a cutting-edge. Originally dedicated to rapid kinetics measurements, BioLogic now also develops, integrates and manufactures a wide range of instrumentation for steady-state spectroscopy including spectropolarimeters.
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Product Range
Stopped-flow/quench flow
The most efficient micro-volume, stopped-flow and quench flow solutions available on the market​
The premium stopped-flow family (SFM) lies at the heart of BioLogic’s rapid kinetics instrumentation range. Based on independent stepping-motor technology, the SFM product line has been designed to achieve the shortest possible dead time, and the highest precision, in order to minimize sample consumption and accommodate the largest range of detectors.