Product Overview
Microvolume quench flow.
A unique design enables the QFM-4000 to trap and identify reaction intermediates. The device is also commonly used for analysing enzymatic reactionq, DNA cleavage or single turnover reactions.
Quench-flow is a kinetic technique where a reaction is initiated by mixing two samples. The reaction ages in a delay line before being stopped after a user-defined ageing time, by mixing with a solution called the quencher. The aged solution is then collected at the exit of the quench-flow and is analyzed by external analytical methods.
Quench-flow is generally used to trap and identify reaction intermediates and to understand complex reaction mechanisms. It is also widely used for analyzing enzymatic reactions, DNA cleavage or single turnover reactions.
Microvolume quench-flow.
Microvolume operation is now an absolute requirement for most quench-flow users as samples become increasingly valuable. The QFM-4000 is designed to minimize all internal volumes. Not a single drop of precious material is lost in the priming lines. The sub-microvolume precision of the motor drives ensures a minimum sample consumption. Only 10µl of sample is required for a successful experiment, and a complete kinetics run dataset can be obtained starting from a 200µl stock.